Monday, June 10, 2019

Gazette Cafe

How I wish there were a cafe like this in Sacramento! Manu told me about the Gazette Cafe, which is a place for writers. There’s a lounge near the entrance that’s open to collaborating, an upstairs meeting room, a library, an open dining area, and two stages — one with a grand piano, the other with curtains. In short, a multi-use writer’s and performer’s space.

When you walk in, a server seats you, and then you go to the register to order. A large basket to the right sits with cut baguette next to to the flatware and napkins. The servers bring the food to your table and serve you coffee and dessert when you’re done.

I ordered the green vegetarian curry, and it was light and melodious.

1 comment:

  1. The Gazette Cafe sounds like a dream come true. It would be perfect for meetings of The Writers Coffeehouse which now meets at Face in a Book in the El Dorado Hills Shopping Center.
